embodied joy

You’ve heard me speak a lot about the importance of therapists and healers prioritizing their self care. To me, an essential part of what it means to nurture our self care and pour into ourselves, is cultivating JOY from the inside out. 

We spend so much time pouring into our clients, furthering our education and careers, and helping our communities heal…we often forget that joy is a part of our journey. 

I believe that as therapists, healers, and mental health professionals who truly want to help our communities heal and experience freedom, we must be an EMBODIMENT of joy.

The definition of embodiment is “the representation or expression of something in tangible or visible form.”

When we embody joy, and exude joy from the inside out, we become a visible example for our clients and communities that joy, ease, and well being are possible!

Some of the things that really help me cultivate and embody joy are being in the ocean, traveling, spending time in like-hearted community, and immersing myself in nature…and I am SO grateful that I get to do ALL of these things through The Healers Retreat!!

In May 2024, I invite you to join me in beautiful Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica for “Embodied Joy”: a unique retreat experience for therapists and healers. 

Throughout our 6 day retreat, we will engage in holistic healing practices, group excursions, and time with community where we will rest, play, and set our intentions to prioritize our joy. We will really lean into those things that help us embody joy, so that we may not only cultivate more joyful lives for ourselves, but serve as a living, breathing example of what joy can look like for the clients and communities we care so deeply about.

If you want to learn more about The Healers Retreat, CLICK HERE. I hope you are able to join me for this one-of-a-kind retreat experience!

Until then, wishing you SO much joy on your journey.

With love,


holistic self care: tending to all layers of you.


prioritizing our mental health as healers