Drink As You Pour

Welcome to May, Beautiful Soul!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so all month long we will be focusing on just that. However, I invite you to think about mental health awareness month a little differently...

Typically during Mental Health Awareness month, us therapists, healers, and mental health professionals gear up to spread knowledge about mental health with our communities.

This year, I want us to focus on the mental health of those who help and heal.

For people in helping professions, burnout, stress, and overwhelm are all too common. Recent studies show that over 50% of those in the helping and healing professions are experiencing burn out. (Can you relate?)

As much as we want to do everything we can to help our communities heal, we cannot pour from an empty cup...I believe that especially as therapists, mental health professionals, and healers, we must drink as we pour.

This month, we will be focusing on prioritizing our mental health, first and foremost. Through affirmations, journaling, and live community practices, we will fill our cups to overflow for our own mental health, and the wellbeing of our communities.

I invite you to join me for the 2nd Annual Drink As You Pour: A weekly self-care series of therapists, mental health professionals, and healers! Every Wednesday in May, we will come together for a LIVE sound healing and breath work practice to help you decompress, release stress, and prioritize your mental health and holistic self care.

This series is free to join! Sign up HERE.

I hope you join me for this month dedicated to the mental health of the healer!


Tending to all layers of you.


EXPANDING beyond limitations